Emergency Lockout Service
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Non destructive entry Locksmith in Skelmersdale - Paladin Locksmiths
24 Hour Call Out Service
Emergency Lockout Service
Emergency Lockout Service

If you are locked out of your home, business, vehicle or safe then we can get you back in quickly. With an average response time of just 20 minutes we won’t leave you standing in the cold for long. [Click for more]

Auto Locksmith Service
Auto Locksmith Service

Locked out or need a spare or replacement keys for your vehicle?
We provide fast, reliable solutions for all your vehicle key needs. Call us today for expert assistance to get you back on the road quickly!

Non destructive entry - Paladin Locksmiths

Non-destructive entry is a way to open locks or systems without causing damage... [Click for More]

Non destructive entry
Emergency Lockout Service
24 Hour Call Out Service

In a world that operates around the clock, the need for certain services never takes a break. Among the unsung heroes who provide help at any hour of the day or night is the 24-hour locksmith... [Click for more]

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Anti-Snap Locks – How To Beat The Burglar

SAVTA - Safe & Vault Technicians Association Logo
Master Locksmiths Association Logo

At this time we are seeing an increase in burglaries using lock snapping to gain entry to properties in Skelmersdale and Ormskirk. Installing Anti-Snap locks can prevent this method of attack, it is therefore important to check if you could be vulnerable.

What is lock snapping?

Burglars are well aware of lock snapping as a method for gaining entry quickly and without use of specialist tools. Lock snapping involves physically breaking the cylinder out of the door, thus allowing the attacker to manipulate the locking mechanism to open the door. The whole attack takes less than a minute, creates very little noise, and the burglars do not seem concerned about whether the property is occupied or not. This problem, once mainly in Yorkshire, has now spread to the Skelmersdale and Ormskirk areas, where we sometimes deal with the aftermath of several break-ins per day.

Are my locks vulnerable? Should I upgrade to Anti-Snap locks?

Burglars carry out lock snapping, an attack against a particular type of lock known as a euro cylinder. This type of lock is found in most uPVC and composite doors. If you have standard euro cylinders on your property they are vulnerable and you should indeed consider upgrading to anti-snap locks.

How can I prevent lock snapping?

The good news is that prevention is very simple. Lock makers have begun addressing the security weakness of their products in various ways with some outperforming others. With this in mind, how do you choose a lock that will prevent lock snapping? We recommend ensuring that your cylinders meet Sold Secure SS312 Diamond standard. Therefore ensuring that they have been independently tested to the highest level of approval for a lock cylinder.

Where can I get Anti-Snap locks?

Anti-Snap locks
Anti Snap locks

We stock a large range of SS312 Diamond standard anti-snap locks. We would be happy to discuss your needs or answer any questions you have about securing your property.