Emergency Lockout Service
Auto Locksmith Service
Non destructive entry Locksmith in Skelmersdale - Paladin Locksmiths
24 Hour Call Out Service
Emergency Lockout Service
Emergency Lockout Service

If you are locked out of your home, business, vehicle or safe then we can get you back in quickly. With an average response time of just 20 minutes we won’t leave you standing in the cold for long. [Click for more]

Auto Locksmith Service
Auto Locksmith Service

Locked out or need a spare or replacement keys for your vehicle?
We provide fast, reliable solutions for all your vehicle key needs. Call us today for expert assistance to get you back on the road quickly!

Non destructive entry - Paladin Locksmiths

Non-destructive entry is a way to open locks or systems without causing damage... [Click for More]

Non destructive entry
Emergency Lockout Service
24 Hour Call Out Service

In a world that operates around the clock, the need for certain services never takes a break. Among the unsung heroes who provide help at any hour of the day or night is the 24-hour locksmith... [Click for more]

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Contact Us

Paladin Locksmiths business cards

Paladin Locksmiths
07939 993201

For all non emergency queries you can contact us by filling out the form below. Emails will be answered as quickly as possible but for anything urgent then please call us on one of the numbers below.

  • 01695 733394
  • 07939 993201
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