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Non destructive entry Locksmith in Skelmersdale - Paladin Locksmiths
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Emergency Lockout Service
Emergency Lockout Service

If you are locked out of your home, business, vehicle or safe then we can get you back in quickly. With an average response time of just 20 minutes we won’t leave you standing in the cold for long. [Click for more]

Non destructive entry - Paladin Locksmiths

Non-destructive entry is a way to open locks or systems without causing damage... [Click for More]

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Emergency Lockout Service
24 Hour Call Out Service

In a world that operates around the clock, the need for certain services never takes a break. Among the unsung heroes who provide help at any hour of the day or night is the 24-hour locksmith... [Click for more]

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Home security in the winter months

October was National Home Security Month – an initiative designed to get homeowners to consider their home security as the dark nights draw in. We at Paladin Locksmiths are in full support of this initiative. The burglary rate rises significantly during the darker months – up to 150% higher in some areas of the country. However, there are various things you can do to improve your security.

When it’s dark, one of your best defences is light. Make sure that if you go out for the evening, you leave a light on – a house in darkness looks inviting to a burglar. A porch light which comes on automatically on a sensor is a great investment, and as well as acting as a deterrent and protecting your property when you’re out, it will mean you are better able to see who’s at your door in the dark.

Any time of year is a good time to upgrade your locks, but if for some reason yours do not meet British Standard BS3621, this is something you should look at urgently. Most insurers require that your locks meet this standard, so if they don’t you not only reduce your security, but your insurers may not pay out in the case of a burglary. It’s a false economy to use cheap locks on your door.

Make sure you close and lock doors and windows. Quite often we leave windows open during the warmer months, and it’s easy to forget that as well as closing them we need to lock them as well. Beyond basic locks, there are other things you can do to secure your windows, such as fitting sash jammers.

Another very important step to take is to lock any sheds and outbuildings. Secure any tools and ladders. A ladder or garden tools lying on the ground can be used by a burglar to help gain entry to your home.

Don’t make it easy for burglars! Every small step that you take to improve your security will further protect your home. If you live in Skelmersdale or nearby, give us a ring on 01695 733394. We can perform a security survey on your home and advise you on the best ways to improve your security.

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Mark Doyle Locksmith & Safe Engineer
Mark is a Qualified Master Locksmith (QML) and Professional Safecracker with over 20 years of experience in the security industry.

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